Wednesday 30 July 2014

Oh! God please save me

I am just failing, falling down and falling down
Just sliding down and going down

I am not able to stand
What am I living for I am not able to understand

Moving unknowingly
Just disturbing the silent water with pebbles
Crawling on the ground as a lamb, I just need the crutches
Suffering has become a part of my life
Light seems running away what remain all around is the endless night

God please forgive me as I just slid
I forgot You that I am your ‘child’

  Tears turned into streams on the face
Trying to come out, got entangled more in the mesh

Please put the foot-marks of your devotees
 Following those I can seek You
Let me bath in the soil they have walked on
And Let me enter into the song they felt for You

I am not in the very few who has surrendered unto You
I am just that ignorant who never likes to remember You

Feeling proud for the past, at last I have become exhausted
Who was just blaming You and now he himself got rejected
I just want to get hold of the path because no option either has been left  for this “dejected”

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